Sunday 19 June 2011

Are You Stale?

People talk.  Out of earshot, in the change room, people talk...about you, your music, your ride.  What they say depends entirely on you.  Did you phone the ride in?  Have you been winging it the last couple of months?  Using the same old playlist over and over?   If you go in to teach your class and have no idea what you're going to do with no plan, you might as well call in a sub.  Chances are the sub will do a much better job, he's keen and fresh.  He's out to impress.  You?  You've already won their hearts (and legs), you were known for your kick ass music and then after a year or two you stopped caring as much.  You played whatever came up on your Ipod, falling back on your repertoire of old drills.  Your class can probably tell you what's coming next.  B-O-R-I-N-G!  If you have the nagging feeling that this might be you, there's still time to save your reputation as a formidable instructor.  Change the music, change the ride.  You should be using a new ride once each week.  If you're C.O.R.E certified you are privy to a new ride with new drills each and every Monday.  If  you don't care enough to dedicate the time to change it up, then you need to take some time off.  At least that way you won't be boring anyone but yourself . 

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