Tuesday 13 September 2011

Living Big vs Living Small

It's easy to get caught up in the small stuff, pointing fingers, stuck in the rut of bitchiness.
It's harder to live big, let the small ugly stuff slip through, not stick on you.

Most days it feels like my natural rhythm is to focus on hurts, on unkindness done to me.
This kind of thinking feels bad, it feels achy, like a flu, wrapped up inside myself, fetal like, small.

Living big is spreading my arms, hugging my best buddy, because she makes me feel big, she tells me
that I was made with special "fairy dust".  Telling my sister how much I love her, because she is unwavering in
her love for me. 

Living big is reaching out to someone we might not know so well, offering a little of ourselves, a little bit of kindess. In the end that's all that really matters, it's what we'll remember about you. What you'll remember about me.

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